How to Secure Sponsorship Deals on YouTube (2024)

How to Secure Sponsorship Deals on YouTube (2024)
How to Secure Sponsorship Deals on YouTube (2024)


Being able to have a YouTube channel sponsored is a big accomplishment for a lot of creators.

Creators can support brands they believe in, in addition to earning an extra income.

Finding these sponsorships can be a difficult affair to navigate, though.

Especially for creators with fewer channels who might not know whether brands are willing to work with them, pitching to brands can be scary.

Fortunately, a lot of organizations are actively looking for YouTube influencers to work on sponsored content, and the market is still growing.

This post will walk you through a simple, repeatable method for pitching to sponsors and getting deals for your YouTube channel.

How to Secure Sponsorship Deals on YouTube

How much do YouTube sponsors pay?

Getting a sponsored YouTube channel is one of the finest ways to monetize your content.

Statistics Regarding YouTube Sponsorship

Despite the emergence of platforms like TikTok, nearly half of marketers allocate a significant portion of their influencer marketing budget to YouTube.

Subscribers and Sponsorship Fees

Sponsorship agreements on YouTube are contingent upon the number of subscribers, as per statistics.

For example:

  • 5,000 to 10,000 subscribers: Approximately $850
  • 10,000 to 50,000 subscribers: Up to $2,240
  • 50,000 to 500,000 subscribers: Ranging from $5,859 to $16,234

Larger channels naturally command higher fees due to their size.

For example, DonutMediaTV, a channel specializing in automotive content and boasting over 7.8 million subscribers, is believed to possess an influencer media value surpassing $5 million.

Types of YouTube Sponsorships

Creators can explore various sponsorship models, including:

  • Product Reviews: Brands provide products in exchange for reviews or mentions in videos.
  • Affiliate Partnerships: Creators earn commissions from sales made through their affiliate links.
  • Paid Sponsorships: Brands pay creators a fixed fee to promote their products or services.

Many creators, such as Doug Cunnington of Niche Site Project, leverage a combination of these sponsorship types to diversify their income streams.

How to Secure Sponsorship Deals on YouTube

Here are steps to secure your sponsorship deal on YouTube

Prepare Your Channel for Sponsors

Make sure your channel has excellent material and is presented professionally before contacting brands.

Investments from brands tend to go toward creators who have loyal fan bases.

Craft a Media Kit

Create brief paper that summarizes the most important details about your channel, such as:

  • Stats
  • Demographics
  • Previous partnerships

Build a Pitch List

Determine which brands fit in with the content and target demographic of your channel and make list of possible sponsors to contact.

Tailor Your Sponsorship Pitch

Provide ideas that are specific to each company, emphasizing how their sponsorship will advance their marketing objectives.

Explore Sponsorship Networks

If you are looking to connect creators with brands looking for sponsorship opportunities, think about joining influencer networks or agencies.

Negotiate Pricing

Talk about sponsorship fees according to deliverables, audience size, and involvement.

Finalize Agreements

Ensure all agreements are documented in a contract, specifying payment terms, deliverables, and other essential details.

You may increase your chances of landing big sponsorship deals for your YouTube channel by doing these steps.

To preserve viewer trust over the long run, do not forget to give priority to brands that share your beliefs and cater to your audience’s interests.

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