How to Create AI-Generated YouTube Videos

How to Create AI-Generated YouTube Videos
How to Create AI-Generated YouTube Videos


How to Choose a Topic and Script

AI-generated videos are becoming increasingly popular on YouTube as a way for creators to easily produce engaging content without needing expensive equipment or advanced video editing skills.

By leveraging artificial intelligence, anyone can generate professional-looking videos from just a written script.

This guide will walk through the simple steps to create your own AI videos for YouTube.

What You Need

The primary tools needed include an AI video creator platform and a basic script.

Popular options for AI video creation include Anthropic’s Constitutional AI, DALL-E 2 from OpenAI, and Vidnami.

A microphone helps include voiceover in your video, but it is not always necessary as text-to-speech can be used.


Step 1: Choose a Topic and Script

First, you should choose a topic that will appeal to your target YouTube audience.

Be careful to select a topic that people are actively looking for in your area of expertise.

Create a thorough screenplay or outline that covers the primary elements you wish to present while keeping the topic in mind. This is what the AI video generator will use as input.

Script authoring can also be aided by programs such as Anthropic’s CLIP.

Step 2: Generate Video with AI Creator

It is time to enter your script into the AI video-making platform of your choice once you have one.

Usually, this will let you personalize the logo, voice, images, and other components.

Next, start the video creation process. Depending on its length and intricacy, this could take a few minutes or several hours.

Pre-made elements and layouts are also available on platforms such as Vidnami.

Image of Vidnami


Step 3: Review and Revise

After the generation is finished, watch the AI-generated video draft to see how it came out.

Adjust as necessary, such as by rewriting the script, changing the images, or modifying the voice.

After that, restart creation using the revised input to improve the video. To get it perfect, it could take several tries.

Step 4: Optimize and Upload to YouTube

The last step is to optimize the video for YouTube discoverability by adding an attention-grabbing title, description, tags, and other elements.

After that, share, upload, and advertise your brand-new AI-generated video to increase views! With practice, you’ll be able to pump out high-quality videos on a schedule.

Examples and Case Studies

As an example, the YouTube channel AISuperceded uses AI generation to produce deep-fake-style videos analyzing topics.

Their videos on self-driving cars have received thousands of views thanks to compelling visuals and scripts.

With the right formula, AI can be leveraged to create engaging videos that perform well organically on YouTube.


Anyone may use artificial intelligence alone to start producing videos for their YouTube channel that seem professional by following these instructions.

It’s now simpler than ever to create high-quality video content without expensive equipment or technical expertise thanks to AI video production.

For your AI-generated YouTube videos to have the greatest possible impact over time, make sure you test themes frequently, improve your workflow, and monitor analytics.

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